KTF potassium terbium fluoride

KTF crystal has lower absorption coefficient and thermo-optic coefficient. This crystal is very suitable for high-power Faraday rotator and optical isolator.

Product Description

KTF crystal has lower absorption coefficient and thermo-optic coefficient. This crystal is very suitable for high-power Faraday rotator and optical isolator.

Main Features

Wide wavelength coverage: 500nm-3000nm

large crystal size

High coating threshold

good uniformity

Material Properties

Crystalline   orientationRegular <100>
Diameter Tolerance+   0.00/-0.0 5mm
Chamfer≦0.   15mm @ 45°
roll offfine grinding
 Perpendicularity≤   10 ′
Parallelism≤   6 0″
Face type≤λ/10 @633nm
surface finish10-5
through wavefront   error≤λ   /4 /25.4mm @633nm
coatingA R , R ≦0.25%


MaterialTGG   Tb 3 Ga 5 O 12KTF   KTb 3 F 10
Lattice structurecubecube
Through   the spectral range400-1500nm400-1500nm
Verdet   constant, 1064nm3936
Refractive   index, 1064nm1.944~1.5
Density   (g/cc)7.25.86
Absorption,   1064nm~0.16%/cm~0.02%/cm
Thermo-optic   coefficient ( dn/dT) 17.9   x 10 -6 K -1~1   x 10 -6 K -1
nonlinear   index of refraction~2   x 10-19 m 2 / W~1x   10 - 20 m 2 /W
Thermal   conductivity (W/mK)7.41.67
Thermal   expansion×10 -6   ℃ -17.313.7
